Welcome to my circus.

Lipstick on my teeth


Most of the time I am the very definition of a stay-at-home mom- I literally stay-at-home.  I enjoy being at home with my kids and taking this show on the road takes so much time and energy that it often just makes more sense to stay put.  Have you ever tried to get socks and shoes on six little feet, coats on three little bodies, and a strategically placed hairbow into one head of curls?  It usually means that by the time the last child is ready to get in the car the first one has had just enough time to completely disrobe and also unroll half a roll of toilet paper around the bathroom.  It can be enough to make you want to stay in pajamas.

So after going through our usual get-out-the-door routine, I was so excited to spend an hour with some adults.  I left feeling reenergized, competent and pretty proud of myself for being involved in some grown-up conversations.  That was until I passed by the mirror when I got home and saw the lipstick on my teeth.  Lipstick on my teeth?  How long was I rocking that look?  Why did nobody say anything?  That little realization nearly ruined the good mood I had from spending time investing in others.

Vanity is such an ugly thing.  It keeps me from inviting people over if I don’t feel like my kids and I are dressed to impress and the house is perfect.  It keeps me from going out if I don’t feel like I am put-together and making it look effortless.  I want to start to be more focused on the needs of others than on maintaining a perfect image.  I’m so thankful that God accepts me just the way I am- lipstick on my teeth and all.

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