Welcome to my circus.

“I know everything. Everything that’s naughty.”


I have come to believe that some kids are born with unusually good self-esteem.  My four year-old would be one of them.  Just last week he said to me, “Mommy, I smell something good. . . it’s me.”  This last fall he told me he wanted to dress as himself for Halloween.  And the other Sunday he told me, “Mommy, I am a ROCK STAR” which he followed up by asking, “What is a rock star?”  We did finally have to put a stop to things when he started correcting us and ending his lectures with, “I know everything.”  I guess that sunk in because the other day he told Brian we don’t say “stupid” and then said, “I know everything. . . everything that’s naughty.”  He didn’t get in trouble for that one.

So I was so thankful for his Sunday School teacher and the lesson she put together just a few weeks ago.  I couldn’t tell you what Bible story she used, but Josh came home talking non-stop about how he was not the best- God is the best.  He said it in his prayers, he sang about it while swinging on the swing set, he told his little siblings about how they weren’t the best either.  It was beautiful to me to get a daily reminder about the importance of humility from my son.  And I imagine it blessed God’s heart to hear words of praise from this child.  As the only adult in my home the majority of the time it can be easy for me to think of myself as the final authority, but to remember that God is the best is also to remember that He is in control.  What a relief!  And in case my self-esteem was in jeopardy, I made meatloaf the other night which made Josh say, “Mommy, you and God are the best.”

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