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I’m going to be a birth mother

Today I’m going to tell you something that if you could see me in person you wouldn’t have any doubt about- I am pregnant.  On April 15th when everybody else was thinking about taxes Brian and I were instead having a moment of shock in front of a little plastic test that said God had done the impossible.  Even more miraculous has been the fact that this pregnancy has continued smoothly and everything seems to be developing just right for our newest Baby.  The winner for best response to our pregnancy announce has got to go to our next-door neighbor who when I told her we’d be having a baby in December said, “Oh really?  Whose?”  It was a perfectly logical question in light of our current adoptive family situation.  Of course, this new addition has lead to lots of interesting conversations with our four year-old who has only known about adoption as the way our family grows.

Driving in the van the other day we had this interchange:

‎”Mommy, first you adopted me, then Danny, then we’ll adopt my sister. Next can we adopt the new baby?”
“Josh, we don’t have to adopt him because he will be born into our family.”
“Ummmm, if he was born to somebody else would we adopt him?”
“Uh, yes. We probably would. But we don’t have to because he already belongs to our family.”
“Ooooooh. So we already adopted him.”
“Ummm. . . sure, Josh.”

So many big thoughts in that little conversation!  I love that for my son being born into your family just means a pre-birth adoption.  And I love that he wanted to know if this child had been born to somebody else, would we adopt him.  It’s such a beautiful thought.  I think it illustrates that Josh already knows our bodies and souls are more than biology.  He was born to another woman, but he was meant to be our son and we just had to find him.  Josh knows that this time God made it a little easier.

It just makes me think about the heart of God who searches us out.  Who calls us his own and makes us family through adoption.  Our biological heritage matters, but it is our identity in Christ that defines us.

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