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When I grow up I want to be like Danny

I cannot help but love the enthusiasm with which my two year-old, Danny, approaches life.  At the county fair this summer we took him to see the duck races which combined two of his favorite things- water and animals.  As the ducks took off on the first race I turned to see how Danny was enjoying watching and instead found him with his shirt half off, preparing to jump the fence to get in with the ducks.  This child races at life with arms wide open.  He is absolutely fearless.

As much as this particular personality trait can drive a cautious mother bananas, I have to admire his spunk.  I can’t wait to see how God is going to use a man who is so passionate about life and experiences things so intensely.  Of course, right now it is my job to help Danny channel his passion into appropriate areas: frustration because he wanted to help me put away the laundry but he’s not big enough to open the top dresser drawer?  Understandable.  Frustration and a crying fit because he isn’t able to catch the squirrels in the backyard?  We have to work on that.

I hope when God looks at me he sees a woman with spunk.  I am learning to be less controlled by fear and more willing to express my passion for the topics God has given me a heart for.  I want to be willing to jump that fence and splash in the duck pond of whatever God calls me to do, even if it might make me seem a little crazy.  I know God will bless me for it.  And I know Danny will be cheering me on.

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