Things parents of toddlers hate:
- Recliners
- Anything within arms reach in the grocery store check-out aisle
- Incoming phone calls during nap time
- Fireplaces
- Light switches out of reach
- Light switches within reach
- That 10 minutes sitting in the exam room before the pediatrician comes in
- Grandma’s knick-knack shelf
- Late-night grown-up TV shows that go back and forth between super quiet dialogue and super loud gun fights (I’m looking at you, “24”)
- Stairs
- Children’s TV shows with catchy theme songs
- Snowsuits on newly potty-trained children
- “Employee use only” ladders-to-nowhere in home improvement stores
- Anything that looks kind of like playground equipment, but isn’t actually playground equipment (thank you very much, giant red cement balls in front of Target)
- Elevator buttons
- Drinking fountains
- Candy on the sidewalk
- Toys that make noise when you accidentally kick them while stealthily walking out of your child’s room
What would you add to the list?
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