Welcome to my circus.

A Life in Status- December #4, 2012

(Watch it all go down in real-time here)

The Baby is sitting in a pile of gifts. He leaves them to crawl over to his favorite toy- the trashcan.
Merry Christmas, everybody!

If you’re having trouble figuring out how to assemble a certain toy, Josh (6 years-old) suggests you check the little booklet that came with it. You know, the “constructions”.
#makes sense

The dog just ate the hand off an Obi-Wan action figure. At least if it had been Luke we could have said it was for acting out the Darth Vader battle. Sigh. . .

My kids are pretty good about giving me a couple minutes of privacy when I get dressed. Which is why I hide candy in my pajama drawer.  #twobirdsonestone

Josh (age 6): Mommy, I love your shoes. They look so. . . American.
Right. . .

I asked the three big kids to play downstairs so they wouldn’t be loud and wake up The Baby during his nap. What did they decide to do downstairs? Start a family band (drums, harmonica, accordion) and sing “Deck the Halls” while marching.
I guess this is one of those spirit-of-the-law vs. the-letter-of-the-law moments.

The Baby steals a toy from his sister-
Sister: Hey! I was losing that!
A window into the mind of a middle child.

Is it weird that I was tempted to buy a $120 Kindle so I could get a free download of a book about composting? Must. Resist. Hipster. Urges. . .

Praying with Danny this morning-
Me: And is there anything you need to say sorry to God about?
Danny: God, I sorry for pulling doggie’s hair.
And that’s when I opened one eye and saw him currently pulling the dog’s hair while asking for forgiveness.
Sigh. . .

On the way to do my radio recording-
Me: Josh, should I do it like this (best monster voice) “Hi, this is Maralee Bradley on My Bridge Radio” or like this (best Southern accent) “Hi, this is Maralee Bradley on My Bridge Radio”?
Josh: You should do it like this (silly high voice) “Hi, this is. . . ” Hey, what’s your name again, Mom?
Yep. Sounds about right.

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