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Wish I could fit in the toy box

I have found that toddlers have not developed the same coping mechanisms for dealing with guilt that we adults have.  This is quite helpful when you’re trying to determine their motives.  For example- if you’re wondering if the three year-old hit the six year-old on purpose or on accident, it makes things pretty clear when you go to ask him about it and find him hiding in the toy box.  That guilt just overwhelmed him until his only out was to physically run and hide.  While that may complicate the process of helping him work towards reconciliation, it is beautiful to see how tender a heart can be that hasn’t had years of blaming others or looking for excuses to avoid dealing with guilt.

It reminds me of the story of Jonah- now that was a guy who was determined to run and hide rather than listen to God’s voice.  It seems so silly to imagine you can get away from God when we remember how God is always with us, but how often do I try to avoid hearing His voice like Jonah did or try to hide from the Holy Spirit’s pricking of my conscience like my three year-old did?  Instead of hiding in the bottom of a boat or in the toy box, I am likely to bury my head in distraction- my computer, a book, the tv, or by spending time with people who won’t keep me accountable.  I need to be reminded to listen for God’s still small voice in the quiet that comes from spending time with Him and with people who lead me into His presence.  And when His voice speaks words that are convicting and hard for me to hear, I need to listen and not hide.  You see, I’ve found there’s not enough room in that toy box for me and my three year-old at the same time and besides, God’s conviction is with me even there.


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