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A Life in Status- February #1


(It’s all happening here if you want to join)

Josh: Mom, people who make houses are called. . . builders. And people who move you into a house are called. . . are called. . . people.

Me:. . . you know, even when we’re just watching something for fun it’s important that it’s something that teaches us good lessons.
Josh: Yes. When I watch “Superhero Squad” I learn to work together with my friends. . . and to NOT smash things. I’m not going to be dumb like that Hulk.
That’s my boy.

How much of a sentimental hoarder is my son? Well, he’s got two perfectly good new adult teeth coming in and his body refuses to lose the two baby teeth in front of them. Off to the dentist we go!

I may or may not have told my daughter it’s “too cold for girls” outside so I didn’t have to spend 15 minutes getting her snow clothes on for 3 minutes of playing before she started crying.

Josh: Mom, we have rooms for boys in this house, but we need a room just for girls. You know- where they could scream and cry and hit things when they want to.
I’m not sure he understands women yet. . . or maybe he does.

Daughter: Mommy, are you old?
Sigh. . .

(Daughter is crying in front of her dresser)
Me: What’s the matter?
Daughter: I can’t find the perfect shirt!
It’s a rough life.

If I’m playing Memory with the kids and the game is getting a little long, I just go use the bathroom so they can cheat while I’m gone and we can get it over with.
You’re welcome.

The problem with using The Dog Whisperer’s techniques with your dog is that your older kids are guaranteed to attempt them on the baby.

Me: Danny, how can you be getting so big? What will I do when you’re away at preschool next year?
Danny: You poop your pants.
That joke never gets old. . .

I had to explain to my dinosaur loving four year-old just because he was born via c-section, it doesn’t mean he “hatched”. He’s pretty disappointed.

According to the imaginative play of two of my children, “Star Wars” would have been much more interesting if it had included Dinosaurs.


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