Welcome to my circus.

A Life in Status- March #2, 2013

(Come see it unfold)

It’s always nice when a stranger at the grocery store notices your family and decides to ask questions about adoption and foster care. While you’re gushing about the blessings you notice her looking behind you. . . at your children trying to spank each other while climbing into the milk case. Sigh. . .

Josh: Can I have hot lunch today?
Me: No, you’re having it on Thursday. The options are spaghetti or Hawaiian pizza.
Josh: A lion pizza?! I’ll have that one.

For future reference: It’s probably best not to assemble your crockpot meal and your homemade laundry detergent at the same time.
#mmmmsoapypork #hipstermomproblems

Daughter: Mommy, you get us circle crackers? (Ritz)
Me: Oh, I forgot that you like those! Next time you can go with me and remind me.
Daughter: It okay. You still my mommy.
Whew! Close one.

This five minutes of The Baby not crying is brought to you by Nilla Wafers. Cookie? Cracker? All I know is it takes a baby five minutes to gum it into an unrecognizable paste, which buys me just enough time to clear the table from dinner. Win/win.

So I was contacted by someone from Nebraska Public Television about potentially doing a 3 minute parenting tip video as part of their Positive Parenting Outreach Program. Ummmmmmm yes, please.

I’m pretty sure first babies walk earliest because they don’t worry about anybody accidentally knocking them over.

Me: (hearing my radio spot on the air while we’re in the car waiting to pick up Josh) Hey, that’s mommy! Guys, that’s mommy on the radio!
Son and Daughter: (no response)
Me: Do you hear that? That’s mommy talking about you!
Son and Daughter: (no response)
Me: Do you hear that-
Daughter: Oh YAY!!! (squeal of recognition)
Me: See! That’s mom- oh, were you just yelling because you saw Josh coming to the car?
Daughter: Yes, Mommy.
These guys are not easy to impress.

Is my kid the only one who at this point in the school year doesn’t have any jeans without holes in the knees?

I should not be allowed to listen to the 3 and 4 year-olds sing the AWANA Cubbies song. I cry every.time.

I heard someone passed along my blog to a friend who was sick of “the perfect mommy blogs” and looking for something more real. I’m choosing to take that as a compliment.

Me: So what was your favorite part of the day?
Josh: When I ate that extra piece of bread I packed with my lunch.
Former starving African or just a boy? Sometimes it’s hard to tell. Either way, he’s easy to please.

I’m about to go have coffee with some ladies. In order to be the kind of lady other ladies want to have coffee with, I’m going to need some pre-coffee coffee. It’s just the truth.

Leftover oatmeal is God’s way of punishing procrastinators. If you clean it up immediately it wipes right off. Wait ten minutes and it’s turned into the mortar the Isrealites used to build the pyramids.

It took six years for my firstborn to realize the way I dance is totally lame and embarrassing.

Danny found a beautiful feather today and wanted me to make him a headdress like he’s seen in pictures of his ancestors. Then he wanted to know if they could fly when they wore those. . .
So I guess we still have some educating to do.

Nothing like trying to back quietly out of your child’s room in the dark after putting them to bed and accidentally stepping on the sit-n-spin and launching yourself into the wall.

Well, we had our first ever sibling cutting another sibling’s hair incident. I’m pretty mad, but also thankful it didn’t involve my daughter.

We were just informed by a neighbor that our van door was open. Yes. . . we now have a small winter wonderland inside our van. You can make the automatic doors easy to shut, but that doesn’t mean the four year-old will consistently do it.

So sweet to hear two six year-old boys (my son and his cousin) saying “I love you” as they’re getting ready to get off the phone with each other. May they always be that shameless about expressing their love for the people that matter.

My husband calls the house when he hears The Baby’s favorite song on the radio so I can have him listen to it on speakerphone.

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