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Blessed are the not-so-curious

Curiosity can be a beautiful thing.  I leads to amazing discoveries and shows an appreciating for the magic all around us.  But as a mother, it is often wise to turn off your curiosity.  Sometimes you just have to deal with your reality and it isn’t prudent to ask any deeper questions.  Here are 30 situations when it just doesn’t pay to be curious:

What is that brown stuff on the couch?

Why is that child running around with a headless Barbie?

Why is the toilet paper wet?

What did I step in?

Did he just hear me say that?

Who ate the last handful of chocolate chips?

Did she actually make a phone call or did I hang it up quickly enough?

How long has she been standing there?

What is this on my shirt?

Who took a bite out of a piece of bread and then put it back?

Is it just me or does the dog’s hair look patchy?

Will they notice if I’m watering down the juice until they’re just drinking juice-flavored water?

Exactly how long have they been watching TV?

How many days in a row can I serve the exact same lunch?

Is that puddle from the toddler or the dog?

How did he get on the counter?

How long has it actually been since we went on a date?

If they’re full from eating Play-Doh, do I still have to make lunch?

Will they notice if I just close my eyes for a minute?

How much dirt can your average child safely ingest?

Is that pile of laundry clean or dirty?

Did he get that out of the trashcan?

How long was the dog trapped in the closet?

Was I wearing this exact outfit yesterday?

How long has it been since I dusted anything?

Why are there footprints on the toilet seat?

Does peanut butter count as a vegetable?

When was the last time I read a book that didn’t rhyme?


When did I brush my teeth?


And the only motherhood question worth investing your curiosity in:

Where did I put my coffee?



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