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A Life in Status- June #2, 2013

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(Come along for the ride.)

Four year-old was not thrilled with the dinner I prepared tonight. I hear him mutter to himself, “The food at Grama’s house is delicious.” I hold myself back from reminding him that Grama doesn’t have to referee fights and change diapers while she cooks.

Had to teach Josh the difference between the words “tall” and “humongous” i.e. “Mom, that maxi dress makes you look TALL” instead of “Mom, that maxi dress makes you look HUMONGOUS.”
You can thank me later, Josh’s Future Wife.

Daughter: I don’t want to put my clothes away!
Me: Oh, well I guess I’ll just do everything myself today.
Daughter: Thanks Mom!
Briefly forgot that toddlers don’t get sarcasm.

Daughter: Hey Danny, you wanna marry me?
Danny: Yeah. Okay.
Me: Guys, that’s SO sweet and I know you already are good at getting along and being kind to each other, but brothers and sisters can’t marry each other.
Daughter: Okay. (whispering) Danny, you wanna marry me?
Danny: (whispering) Yeah.
And then they hugged.
I am dying of the cuteness.

I know the saying is “every rose has its thorns” but who has time for rose maintenance? Around here we know “every peony has its ant.”

If your children’s pediatrician has a one syllable name that starts with a “D”, your children WILL call her “Dr. Doom”. To her face. Because they think that is her name.

In the parenting division of labor, I think whichever parent said, “What could go wrong if we let him eat all the watermelon he wants” should be responsible for the diaper ridiculousness that ensues.

Signs you are Nebraskans: Your child sleeps with a stuffed animal he named “Tyrannosaurus Rex Burkhead” (Rexy for short).

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