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Cartoon Recommendation for Moms (from Sarah M)


This summer we’re doing cartoon recommendations by moms for moms (or by aunts/dads/nannies. . . just basically a grown-up who knows this is a cartoon that won’t make other grown-ups run screaming from the room).  So far we’ve heard about the wonders of Phineas and Ferb and the educational benefits of Martha Speaks.  If you’d like to contribute your thoughts, I’d love to have them.  Here’s the form to fill out.  I promise it will take ten minutes or less and we’ll all be glad you did it.  Now for our next recommendation!

Recommendation from:  Sarah (mom of 2 kids, ages 6 and 4)

The Show:  The Busy World of Richard Scarry

Where to find it:  Netflix, YouTube

Why kids love it:  Within each 22 minute episode there are two to three “mini-episodes” that are short, funny, and usually involve some silliness. The town is a very interesting place as are all the characters, and their various jobs. The main group of characters always find something fun to do around the town and manage to explore on their own. They’re totally free-range kids. 🙂

Why moms love it:  I love that the entire town is a mix of different animals, within those, they all have jobs and different personalities that allows the town to function well, even Mr. Frumble, who is quite the grouch. They all have to work together to get along and ‘solve the problem’ if there is one.
There are quite a few educational storylines, too, that go back in history where kids can learn a TON about random historical facts from ancient to fairly modern (‘who created the abacus’ to ‘the first person to fly’). The kids don’t even know they’re learning–the best kind. There is nothing questionable, and all the story-lines are sweet and end on a funny or happy note. There are even a few songs every few episodes that teach safety (like electrical safety or safety while crossing the street), though I don’t think there is one per episode.
Last, but not least, they are based on the wonderful children’s books by Richard Scarry, and I had and loved all these books as a child. I love sharing something with my kids that I remember so fondly.

Moral content: There is nothing questionable in this cartoon. I’d rate it G. I have seen a storyline about a character stealing, but it was the ‘problem’ of the episode and was resolved the good-old fashioned way–by talking about it and learning the outcomes of their actions. This is, of course, the point of a good show for kids!

Any warnings:  I can’t think of anything, but as an unrelated comment: if your child loves these, I highly recommend the books (there are TONS) and there is a newer, follow-up show called “Busytown Mysteries” where the main group of kid characters solve a mystery every episode

Favorite Quote: I can’t think of any quote in particular, but Mr. Fixit and the way he fixes things will give all moms a hearty chuckle. (wink, wink)

You can read more from Sarah at:  www.ssmast.blogspot.com


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