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Cartoon Recommendations for Moms (from Melinda)


This summer we’re doing cartoon recommendations by moms for moms (or by aunts/dads/nannies. . . just basically a grown-up who knows this is a cartoon that won’t make other grown-ups run screaming from the room).  So far we’ve heard about the wonders of Phineas and Ferb, the educational benefits of Martha Speaks, the sweetness of The Busy World of Richard Scary, the addictive songs of Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, and the adoption-friendly plot of Dinosaur Train.  If you’d like to contribute your thoughts, I’d love to have them.  Here’s the form to fill out.  I promise it will take ten minutes or less and we’ll all be glad you did it.  On with the recommendations!

Recommendation from: Melinda, mom of 2

The show: Peppa Pig

Where to find it:  Nick Jr.

Why kids love it:  It centers around Peppa and her little brother George. It has simple graphics and bright colors. The plots are classic childhood experiences (i.e. playing hide & seek, taking off training wheels, finding snails and the ever popular, jumping up and down in muddy puddles). The Pig family also snort loudly and fall down on their backs laughing, which is a big hit with my kids.

Why moms love it:  I’m not gonna lie, my favorite part is that IT’S BRITISH! Come on, who doesn’t love a British cartoon! The accents. The use of words like “stabilizers” (training wheels) “petrol” (gasoline) and “fete” (festival). They even drive on the left side of the road. So, it promotes global awareness.
Each 30 minute episode is divided into about 5 mini episodes, which is nice if you only need 15 minutes or so. Not to mention the old attention span.

Moral content:  Peppa is a good big sister, looking out for George. She also learns lessons about being kind to new friends, working out disagreements and sharing.
Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig have a good relationship. They go on date nights, they are affectionate and they are both equally capable and bumbling. Which I like- nobody’s perfect, right?

Any warnings:  As mentioned before, they do jump in muddy puddles. A lot. At least once an episode. But as Daddy Pig says, “Its only mud.”

Favorite Quote: “When you jump in muddy puddles you must wear your boots.”

You can see Melinda’s awesome sewing stuff athttps://www.facebook.com/Sewgoodtobehome

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