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Your Kids Know You (good and bad)


Listen to “A Mother’s Heart for God” as featured on My Bridge Radio:


Few people know us as well as our children do.  My oldest son Josh had some candy and told my husband, “ Daddy, tonight so you don’t have to steal my candy after I go to bed, I already put some under your pillow.”  He told me, “ Mom, I have too many M&Ms. I’m going to go put some under your pillow for when you get hungry in the night.”  He knows me too well.

I recently asked my daughter to pick up the toys she had dumped on the floor and when she said, “No!” my four year-old said, “Excuse me?” in a perfect imitation of my voice.  Of course my daughter responded to him with a “yes ma’am”.  I’m not sure if I should be proud or irritated.

Our children see our flaws.  They know our struggles.  They see us at our best and our worst and they love us through it all.  So if I want my kids to know what I value, the best way I can teach them is to live it.  I want them to not just know that I eat candy after they go to bed, but know that I pray for them and for the needs of those around us.  I want them to not just be able to imitate my scolding tone, but to imitate the way I talk to others about my faith.  I want them to sing songs about Jesus when we’re driving in the car together.  I want them to know fully and deeply that the decisions I make are rooted in my belief in a God who has a plan.  And I want them to learn to make decisions that way, too.  Don’t grow weary, Parents!  Your kids see who you are and they’re always learning.


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