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A Life in Status- September #3, 2013


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The boys want to be The Avengers for Halloween. Bethany wants to be a princess. I’m thinking of dressing her as Thor and telling her it’s a princess. I think she’d go for it as he does seem to be the most princessy of the bunch. And she’d get a hammer. Bonus!

Me: Bethany, are you ready to learn the Cubbies song? You sing, “We are AWANA Cubbies we’re happy all day long. . . ”
Bethany: NO!
So maybe not ALL day long. . .

Me: So, did you enjoy library story time?
Bethany: No. It made my hair all sweaty.

I don’t consider myself to be an emotional girl, but that all changes when the four year-old looks at his now deflated balloon and whispers, “I miss you, Friend.”

Couldn’t figure out why cars were driving slowly by our house. Then I saw Josh in the front yard in full Spiderman costume practicing his moves.
It all becomes clear.

Danny: Mom, my sister not have a penis. What she have?
Me: She has a vagina.
Danny: That were Dayna from!
Me: Um. . . I guess we’re all from vaginas, but that’s kind of weird to say about your friend.
Danny: No. That not it. We eat that food sometimes. . . CHINA! Dayna from CHINA!

The Baby is walking around the house very seriously saying, “Keem Up!” (clean up) and putting things away. And frantically crying if he isn’t tall enough to put something where he thinks it should go.


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