Welcome to my circus.

“I’m gonna tell Grandma on you!”


My kids are pretty sure Grandma is a superhero.  The other day my daughter was so frustrated with the behavior of her older brother that she yelled, “DANNY! I’m gonna tell Grandma on you!”  She knows that Grandma will probably take her tattling more seriously than Mommy does.

And recently when we were eating a dinner that Danny didn’t particularly like I heard him mutter to himself, “The food at Grama’s house is delicious.” I had to hold myself back from reminding him that Grama doesn’t have to referee fights and change diapers while she cooks.

I’m glad my kids have such a high opinion of their grandma.  And I’m thankful to have a woman who is not in the overwhelming stage of 24/7 care for little ones who can help and support me as I invest in my kids.  In Titus we read that God’s desire is for older women to be teaching younger women to love their husbands and children.  This is a command for Grandma to be involved and a command for me to respond in a humble manner to the loving instruction and encouragement of the older women around me.  For those of you who don’t have loving older women  involved in your life, seek them out.  Their wisdom is invaluable.  And Grandmas, the body of Christ needs the gifts you have to offer.  If you don’t believe me, just ask my kids.

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