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Asking in Prayer (even when you don’t want to)


This is the audio from a recent interview I did on what we can learn from our kids and what we want to teach them about asking in prayer. Being honest and asking what is truly on my heart is difficult for me. I can be pretty self-protective and it feels very humbling to ask God for what I need. It means admitting I’m not self-sufficient, which is hard for me to do. It seems so silly as I write it out, but I want to encourage people that God is still faithful even when we aren’t. God desires honesty from us (check out the Psalms!) and I’ve seen in my own life how sometimes God will humble me to get me to that point. . . not my favorite thing, although I have benefitted from it immensely. I also feel that hope is really risky. I don’t like hoping. I try to protect myself from disappointment, so when I ask God fervently for something, I’m opening myself up to pain. But I’m also opening myself up to seeing God work. If I don’t ask, I don’t see God’s love for me in the ways He’s lavishing it.

Happy listening!

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