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A Life in Status- November #4, 2013

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“What Does the Fox Say”: a song aimed at preschoolers that somehow managed to go mainstream. Music in 2013, you are weird.

Things I learned when a bunch of my ladies descended on my house with a cleaning mission:
-In spite of my love of purging, we do have a stuffed animal problem. I swear they reproduce when I’m not looking.
-If you’re raising multiple little boys, put your most perfectionistic, OCD friend on bathroom cleaning duty.
-That awkward feeling of 9th grade PE locker room can be yours by letting a friend look at your hygiene products or your unmade bed.
-Great conversations happen while scrubbing peanut butter off of the underside of the kitchen table.
-A true friend says, “You know what would work in here? The dresser from my house. I’ll go get it and be right back.”
-5 children is the point when I decide not to say no to help. Ever.

My 7 year-old successfully rocked a fussy baby to sleep. I asked if he wanted me to take her, but he said, “Mom, I got this.” Those are the moments you realize there are more important indicators of how your child is doing in life than spelling test scores.

Just heard the 7 year-old use the word “Minecraft” for the first time. I have a sneaking suspicion it won’t be the last.

Time for the pre Christmas toy purge. Stuffed animals, I’m looking at you.

Joel loves Woody from “Toy Story”, but he can’t say Cowboy Woody. So if you hear him asking for “Cowbootie”, you’ll know what he means.

Decorating the tree, watching a Christmas movie, drinking eggnog and having the yearly talk about not spoiling the whole Santa thing for your friends. You know, the usual.
#spoileralert #toocheaptopretendtohaveelves#stillwanttohavefriends

Me: Josh, someday when Baby goes to her forever home, do you think we should take more foster kids or should we take a break for awhile?
Josh: Mom, we keep taking babies as long as they keep calling us. We only stop when they stop calling and all the babies have homes.
#lovehim #hegetsit #fosterbrother

It’s a blessing and a curse to be woken up in the morning by a 7 year-old two inches from your face asking about the proper pronunciation of Habakkuk.

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