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A Life in Status- January #1 & 2, 2014

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Josh just used his siblings to Tom Sawyer his way out of cleaning the bathroom. I’m not sure if I should be disappointed or proud.
#futureboss #motivationalspeaker

My New Year’s Resolution: Start drinking diet soda. That way next year I can stop drinking it and enjoy all the health benefits of quitting diet soda. I’m sure that will work. . .

I’m trying to think of it as less a roll of toilet paper that got dropped in the sink while the water was running, and more an unexpected stack of pre-moistened toilettes.

For those who like to declutter, nothing beats the instant high of taking down the Christmas stuff.

“Frozen”= the unsuccessful struggle of an introvert to convince her pushy extravert sister she really does enjoy being alone.

The frequency at which I find socks in the most bizarre places makes me wonder if maybe God is trying to get my attention via a plague of socks.

Bethany: Mom, Freezed is my favorite movie. . . not Freezed. . . Frozeded. . . Freezer? Frost. Frosted? What’s that movie, Mom? With that snowman and the ice lady and the reindeer?
Me: Frozen.
Bethany: Yeah. Frozen.

Bethany: Mom, I write a story for you.
Me: That’s great! What does it say?
Bethany: Mooooooom, I don’t know! I can’t read.



Bethany: Mom, it’s taking FOREVER!
Me: What is?
B: Getting to be a big girl! I keep going to sleep and I wake up and I still little. Ugh!

Joel (age 2) calls my mom “Gray-ma”. It is both adorable and factual.

Danny is asking for a lobster and a lobster tank for his birthday (“like the one at the grocery store”). Um, no.

I saw my husband had a blanket over his face the other night and I went to rip it off. Then I realized he was probably past the age when I need to worry about SIDS.

I am giving a much needed bath because a white child put a black child’s lotion all over his head.
#onlyatourhouse #greasybaby

Josh (age 7): There are two things I hate- jazz hands and cheese.

I visited Danny’s preschool class today (at our elementary school) and Josh saw me in the hallway. He ran out of the cafeteria to give me a big hug. His principal came over to us and I was prepared to see Josh get scolded for running and leaving the cafeteria. His principal came over and said, “It’s so great to have a mom that loves you so much, isn’t it Josh?”

If you have a lot of children that are hard to get corralled and out the door, at some point your husband will yell, “Avengers, assemble!” to get them to the car. And it will work.

Danny is playing Star Wars and is apparently under the impression that the bounty hunter is named Jingle Fett. I think that would have made it a much happier movie.


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