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You need friends

I enjoyed getting to do a radio interview recently about the importance of friendships, especially for mothers. This job of raising kids can feel very isolating. I have been through seasons of my life where I’ve had lots of friends and some where I’ve felt really lonely. It’s strange for me to think that in each season I have been basically the same person, although how I felt about myself was very different. I have come to believe that we were not meant to live life alone. When I have community around me I am more easily able to see my sins and appreciate my gifts. In fact, some of my gifts only make sense in the context of relationships and my weaknesses get revealed when I’m dealing with other people. It can feel risky to invest in relationships, but the benefits are huge.

So enjoy the conversation!

Here’s a little outline:

– When you make the particular way you mother your identity, it can be tough to make friends with women who make other choices.

– Expectations and perceived judgement from other women can make it tough to reach out in relationship.

– Sometimes you just have to TRY a new relationship and see where it goes. What’s the worst thing that could happen?

– Having good friendships is a gift you give your marriage.

– Women should be involved in mentoring relationships— both being mentored and providing mentoring for others.

– If you can’t find a mentor, what do you do?

– What qualifies someone to be a mentor?

– What we think about ourselves may be influenced (positively or negatively) by our friends.

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