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A Life in Status- March #1 & #2, 2014

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Am I the only one?
Pull something out of the fridge. Notice it’s past the expiration date. Smells fine, no mold, but seems shady to eat it. Put it back in the fridge until it is sufficiently disgusting and you feel justified in throwing it out.

Sometimes I console myself by remembering the actual baby Einstein didn’t have Baby Einstein brand toys to play with either and he seemed to turn out just fine.

Sign you have a one-track mind: You can’t figure out why you’re not getting any google results for French toast recipes. Then you realize you actually googled “foster toast” recipes.

Good gracious! Now I know if I need encouragement to keep writing in spite of the chaos of having five kids under age 8, I just need to tell God I’m thinking about quitting. I’ve had a different stranger email me each day for the last week asking if they can share something I’ve written with a group they work with or letting me know they’ve been encouraged to start or continue fostering by something I wrote along with many friends from different moments of my life who have written me this week to say something encouraging. Thank you to all who read, who offer feedback, and who partner with me to help kids in crisis. It’s obvious to me how much God cares about these kids and I’m thankful I get to be part of expressing that heart.

Sign your two year-old is used to having a baby around: he wants a washcloth for his bath but accidentally asks for a burp cloth.

I’m not really bothered by the child that climbs into the bed every morning to wake me up. It’s the child that sneaks under the bed and lurks there until I put my feet on the floor that is going to give me a heart attack.

Danny: Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!. . . Bethany, what do you pick?
Bethany: Ummmmmmmmm. . . SHOE!

Me: Danny, becoming a foster parent was one of the best decisions I ever made. You know why? Because it’s the way God brought you to our family, and your sister, and Baby Girl.
Josh: And I know one of your other best decisions.
Me: Oh yeah? (fully expecting him to reference his adoption)
Josh: Making that cheesy rice for dinner tonight.

Oatmeal no bake cookies: Because sometimes even the baking challenged need to make a dessert.

Told the two year-old to hurry up and take his nap so when he woke up he could go to Grandma’s house. Now he’s too excited to sleep.

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