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Radio Interview on Motherhood

Each month I get to do a radio interview on My Bridge Radio that airs across Nebraska. My job is to present a mother’s view on whatever topic we’re discussing. So it felt a wee bit overwhelming to me when Stan picked motherhood as the topic for May. What is a mom’s view on motherhood? Such a big topic with so many facets! It was a fun conversation centered around an area of life where I’ve learned so much and still have SO much left to learn. Here’s a link to the audio with a summary of our conversation down below.

-What I love about motherhood is how challenging it is. Really. I’m rarely bored and love learning to think a couple steps ahead of my kids to stay on top of things.

-I learned motherhood from the best. I have a great mom who loves people and the foundation of love she gave to me has allowed me to freely and confidently love my kids and those around me.

-My mom and I are very different (and I’m very different from my daughter). How do you affirm the child who is wired so differently from you? It’s great to point out the ways God created your child and affirm them. That may be even more important in the ways you see you are different from your child so they grow up knowing that you appreciate them just the way they are and don’t expect them to be mini you.

-Our motherhood is a reflection of the nature and character of God. The joy I find in my kids, the way they are ever present in my mind is a great reminder of how God finds joy in me and how much I am always in his heart.

-Infertility is a defining part of who I am as a mother. While how God answered my desire for motherhood won’t necessarily be the same way he responds to other women, it is true that he has a plan. He knows that desire of our heart (he created it!) and infertility is a way he draws us close and helps us learn to trust.

-Not all kids will follow the path we want them to. Our job is not to make them make the choices we want, but to give them a good start in life, teach them the tools to make wise decisions and then love them no matter what.

-Motherhood is wonderful, but it isn’t the end all and be all of my identity. If it is, I’m sure going to be in trouble when my kids leave home or when they disappoint me.


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