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A Life in Status- August #1, 2014


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Sometimes you can substitute something else for an ingredient you forgot to buy. And sometimes you make 90% of a tater tot casserole before you realize you forgot to buy tater tots.

My mom brings over raw milk. My husband brings home Taco Bell. I figure it all evens out.

My baggy maternity pants have become my skinny jeans.

I got out of breath today. From eating.

5 year-old ate a hamburger, went to the fair, rode rides, went to the petting zoo, walked around in the heat looking at farm animals, ate a snow cone, refused to nap, got a headache, and then threw up. So I guess my dad was right. There is such a thing as “too much fun.”

Josh: Why do my new teeth keep coming up behind my old teeth and not pushing them out?
Me: The dentist thinks it might be genetic.
Josh: Well, we should probably tell my birth brother’s adoptive mom about that.

The Toddler was giving himself a lecture in the other room:
“We DON’T lock doors! Don’t wake up THE BABY! Poop is only for the BATHROOM!”

(Bringing Grandma’s newspaper into the house)
Bethany: Grandma! Here’s your email!

My Mom: Maralee, your ankles look great!

The 7 year-old just taught the 5 year-old to ride his bike with no training wheels. Does that make me a lazy mom or a good delegator?

Josh taught Danny how to pack his own lunch for school.

Sending Danny off to Kindergarten-
Me: I’m going to miss you so much! I love you, Danny!
Danny: I’m going to miss you, Puppy!
(reaches past me to hug the dog)

Danny’s last words to us as he leaves for Kindergarten:
“Have a good day! Poop!”
So good luck with that, Kindergarten Teacher.

Me: Oh, you colored something in Kindergarten! It says, “My first day of Kindergarten.” What did you draw?
Danny: That’s a guy on the toilet. And here’s a monster coming to attack him.

Sometimes I forget what it’s like to drink coffee while it’s still warm. . . But I imagine it’s magical.

Joel: Mom, I have boogers. (Wipes face on carpet) There. I fix it.

Bethany: When is Joel’s adoption day?
Me: He doesn’t have one.
Bethany: Well, when will we adopt him?
Me: We aren’t going to because he was born in our family.
Bethany: We aren’t going to? You mean he’s still just a foster brother?

Naming an adopted child: Find a name that goes well with the birth name, respects their ethnicity, doesn’t duplicate birth sibling names, fits with your family, has a meaning that reflects their story, and suits the child.
Naming a birth child: Pick a name you like.
Some of us work better with guidelines and limitations.

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