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Onesie Slogans From Your Baby

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I’m not a huge fan of onesies with sassy sayings on them. Especially ones that are kind of rude (I’m looking at you, “My mom is hotter than your mom”, Onesie). The mom is the one looking at those onesies most of the time, so why not use this great opportunity to send a message to her instead of to the other moms on the playground? Let’s be real— If I’m at the playground I’m trying to make friends, not insult them. I did buy a onesie with a sassy saying on it once. It literally said “Sassy” which was adorable on my sassy daughter until I realized in every picture I took when she had that onesie on she had an arm covering the first letter. Not cool.

I decided to create my own onesie slogans for moms. What would babies say if they could? What messages do moms need to see every time they look down at that precious baby? I also asked my Facebook friends to contribute their ideas (if you aren’t part of our Facebook community, you’re missing out), which you’ll find beneath mine. Feel free to contribute your own in the comments section!


Onesie Slogans from your Baby

Sorry for spitting up in your hair.

I know I sound angry, but I’m just tired.

Are we going out today? Then why are you getting out of your pajamas?

I won’t tell anyone I saw you lick the ice-cream container.

Sing as loud as you want. I haven’t yet developed musical taste.

Breastmilk tastes better when it comes from a coffee drinker.

You should probably have me do some tummy time today so the pediatrician doesn’t give you that look again.

Don’t let my screaming deter you from getting the snot out of my nose.

I know he keeps poking me in the eye, but he’ll probably end up being a pretty great big brother.

Stop reading parenting articles that make you mad. Just. Stop.

I see how Daddy looks at you. You’ve still got it.

You smell great. . . at least to me.

I can’t tell if the house is clean.

Don’t forget— you fed me on the left side first this morning.

Parenting will get better. And also worse. Sorry about that.

I like being bottle-fed. And my opinion is the only one that should matter.

Be gentle. Someday I’ll change your diapers.

I was last bathed on a Wednesday.

You just had a baby. Stop trying to fit back into your jeans.

Don’t worry about what Grandma said. You’re doing a great job. And also, I don’t think she meant it the way you’re taking it.

If you dance with me, I’m too young to be embarrassed about it. Enjoy these days.

It’s okay to change in front of me. I promise I won’t remember what you look like naked.


Via Facebook:

Don’t sleep when I sleep…do something like take a shower.

What smell?

Don’t waste your money on the expensive pacifiers. I am gonna lose it in 3 seconds anyways.

I will make it all up to you when you are the one in diapers!

Its ok that you haven’t showered in 3 days.

Didn’t you wear that shirt yesterday?

I save my pooping for the fresh clean diaper you just put on me.

Got milk?

Think this outfit is cute? Don’t worry, it will be poop stained before the day is over.

Sleep when I sleep, do laundry when I do laundry.

Clean onesie? I can fix that.

From down here, mommy’s got a turkey neck. Gobble gobble.

Don’t sniff the wet spot

Neither of us need to change until after the 6th or 7th spit up stain.

I don’t mind if you’re always in pajamas. We match!

Your smile makes me smile.

You put your parents through this too!

This day is easy…..just wait until I’m a teenager!

This too shall pass.

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