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GIVEAWAY from The Family Box *CLOSED*


Are there things you know as a parent you should be doing, but it’s just kind of tough? Family devotions often fall in that category for me. As much as I want to spend intentional time with my kids talking about God, sometimes it falls through the cracks of trying to just keep everybody fed and in clean clothes. This is where The Family Box comes in. I know this product is called “The Family Box”, but after a month of using it, I think it could more accurately be called “Good Parenting in a Box” because whenever we got done I had that great feeling like we’re doing the things we’re supposed to be doing. We’re sitting down, looking in each other’s eyes and talking about the things of God.

Now I am not a Pinterest parent. I do not like crafts. I am bad at art, I am not detail oriented, and I’m not very creative. Those are just the facts. They are true enough about me that I even put the “I don’t like crafts” thing in the About Me section of this blog when I started it a couple years ago. So it made me laugh when the people over at The Family Box approached me about doing a giveaway and said, “We know you don’t like crafts, but. . .”


It’s precisely because I don’t like crafts that having a month of The Family Box was fantastic. I am not crafty, but my kids are! Here’s how The Family Box works:  Each month a box comes in the mail (there are options for how you buy the boxes- per month, per quarter, per year) with four object lessons/crafts in it. You pick a day of the week that you’re going to have your family time (we have Sunday evening church, so we picked Sunday morning), then open up the section for that week. In it is everything you need. I mean EVERYTHING. Each week there was a little lesson guide, a verse, and all the supplies you needed for the activity that went along with the lesson. You don’t have to run around gathering supplies or trying to track down a verse to go with the activity-it’s all there for you.



My kids loved this. They asked when we were going to do it throughout the week. They ran to the table when we said it was time. They listened and had fun with the activity. We had thoughtful discussions (as much as you can with four kids ages 3, 5, 5, and 8). They talked about what we learned during the week. This was a success for our family.


My one caveat about The Family Box which is both a pro and con:  it will not teach your kids your particular brand of theology. At least from our experience, the lessons are very simple and more geared toward morality than theology. They are the beginning of a discussion, not the end of it. The great thing is that The Family Box is good for lots of different families who have differing beliefs on the finer points, but you’ll probably want to tailor the application for your family.

So do you want a free month of The Family Box to try it out? Here’s how you can enter our Giveaway:

1) Comment on this post.

2) Go to The Family Box Facebook page and “like” it, then post on it that you were sent by A Musing Maralee.

Two ways to enter with a possibility of entering the drawing twice!  Tomorrow (1/14/15) at 5 p.m. (CST) we’ll close the giveaway and put your names in a hat.  I’ll email the winner and get you connected so you can arrange shipping and any other details.

**The drawing is now closed. Congrats to Alexis!**

Comment away!

*Heads up: If you’re a crafty lady who wants to collaborate with me to do a giveaway to promote your business, send me an email at the address listed on the contact page and we can chat about details.* 

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