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Calling Out for Mama

I’m back doing radio spots on motherhood for My Bridge Radio! I took a year off while I was pregnant and for Teddy’s first few months, but now it’s time to start up again!
Listen here or read it below:

My 1 year-old daughter can say “Dada”, two of her brother’s names, “yes”, and “Amen”. I’m just hoping she gets around to “Mama” before she learns the dog’s name. I long to hear my daughter call for me. Especially since for nearly her first year of life she was my foster daughter and I had no right to the title of “mom” in her life. I have wondered if this is how God feels when he waits for us to call out to Him. When he hears my children acknowledge his presence in their lives, does it bring him joy the way it does for me when I first hear them calling “Mama” from their crib? Does he long to hear me cry out to him when I’m trying so hard to handle things on my own? Does he grieve when I call out to other things to bring me joy and peace? I want to teach my kids to come to God and to call him Father and I know that lesson starts with me.

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