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A Life in Status- January #1, 2015

It’s okay to laugh. Everybody does. (Find me on Facebook and Twitter)

“And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again”. . . or so I’ve heard. . . from other people. . .

Josh (8): Santa isn’t real.
Brian: You don’t have to say he isn’t real since St. Nicholas was real, so it’s kind of like Santa was a real person.
J: Oh. So I should say, “Santa is dead.”
B: . . .Never mind. I think you had it better the other way.

Josh (to his younger siblings): In the new “Annie” his name is Mr. Stacks, but in the old movie his name was. . . Captain Moneypants.

Sometimes I think my efforts would be better spent focusing less on cleaning the toilet and more on cleaning the two foot radius around the toilet.

My first babies thought crying when I put them down would get them out of naps. They were wrong. This baby is trying a different tactic- aggressive smiling and cooing. It may be working. . .

Sometimes it helps to think of it less as “bickering” and more as “preparation for a future career in the senate.”

The feeling of irritation that bus is late always comes right before the feeling of panic that you forgot it was your job to get your kid to school today.

Watching my tired and teething toddler daughter stumble toward me drooling, moaning, with her arms outstretched. . .I’m pretty sure an exhausted mom came up with the whole zombie imagery thing.

I could say, “I’m going to go watch an episode of Friday Night Lights in 20 minute intervals every two hours.” but instead I say, “I’m going to go feed the baby.” It sounds nicer that way.

Sometimes I get irritated when the kids are being well-behaved because then I can’t punish them by making them clean things I don’t want to clean.

Having to hold up a cape to wipe a bottom.

My baby was getting a bit of a diaper rash and my first thought was, “Shoot. Now I’ve got to explain this to his mom.” and then I remembered that this time I AM THE MOM.


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