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“When are you adopting me, Mom?”

Here’s my radio spot. Listen below or read if you rather. I’m versatile like that.


Well, it finally happened: The three year-old son I gave birth to asked when we were going to adopt him and burst into tears when I said we weren’t. These are the conversations that happen when your family is formed through adoption, foster care, and birth. Joel saw the party we threw when his little sister was adopted into our family and wants to be celebrated that way, too. I love that in our family adoption seems normal. While adoption always involves some level of loss, our kids have also seen the beauty of belonging and being wanted. Even my biological son wants to know that we love him enough, we’d want to adopt him if we could. It has been such a blessing to our family to be involved in the world of foster care and adoption. We learn to have God’s heart for the helpless, the hurting, and those suffering the consequences of sinful choices. We come to understand in a new way how God loved us when we were still rejecting him as we lavish love on children and families that aren’t sure they can trust us yet. We experience the immeasurable joy of seeing children who needed a family become forever a part of ours. And we wait with anticipation for the day they become part of God’s family, too.

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