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10 Questions that Might Actually Get Your Husband to Talk (without wanting to poke his eye out)

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The truth is, I’ve always got a half dozen (who am I kidding, A FULL DOZEN) questions ready to go about my husband’s feelings or our future or ways I’d like feedback on how I’m doing as a spouse. . . or feedback I’d like to offer HIM about how he’s doing as a spouse. But those things aren’t usually what get him chatting. He’s willing to talk about those things when I need him to or when he’s got an issue of his own to bring up, but some days he’d rather not walk through the emotional minefield I’ve created talking about our feelings and instead he’d rather just hang out with his best friend.

So what do best friends talk about? Dumb stuff, mostly. We talk about hobbies or what 90s song we heard on the radio that got us car dancing (until the guy in the car next to us gave us a weird look) or about a new taco place we tried or about the latest happenings of The Property Brothers. So in case you tried those inspired 36 Questions and they didn’t quite start the gab session you were hoping for with your favorite guy, I’ve got some other options for you.

10 Questions that Might Actually get Your Husband to Talk

If we could have an adventure anywhere in the world, where would you want to go? My husband longs for adventure and sometimes the practical realities of our life keep us from just daydreaming about what would be fun, even if it will never be possible. Open up the door to some fantasy without feeling the pressure to inject reality into the mix.

How is that sports ball thing going? Is that guy still doing that thing? Confession: I listen to sports talk radio and I don’t care about sports. I just like to have a useful tidbit to share every now and then when the conversation turns to sports. And I have found aspects I DO like! A good underdog, a compassionate coach, the dramatics of player disagreements– I can get behind all that. If sports isn’t your guy’s thing, find what it is and be knowledgeable enough to ask a follow-up question or two when the subject comes up.

. . . To finish reading, click through to Her View From Home. . .

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