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GIVEAWAY from Everyday Mercies

A little over a year ago my friend Anna Kathryn Ellzey sent me a prototype of a faith journal she was working on. I loved it. And I typically don’t love journals. Now she’s gotten it all published and it’s beautiful and I think you’re going to love it too.

If you want to win your own copy, here’s what to do:

-Comment on this post with when you prefer to read or journal. Morning? Evening? Afternoon?

-Go “like” the Everyday Mercies Facebook page and let Anna Kathryn know you were sent by A Musing Maralee on her share of this post.  

We’ll pick a winner on Friday. 

Anna Kathryn has been a friend of mine since we both worked at a group home together. My husband and I were houseparents at the boys home and she was an intern at the girls home, but we quickly claimed her as part of our family even if she didn’t work with us. She would spend time with us during the hours she wasn’t working, we’d eat meals together when we were all working, and we’d make excuses for our kids to hangout together so we could hangout. Together we grieved the loss of one of our favorite kids (you can read my story here and Anna Kathryn’s here) and what could have remained a casual friendship became something deeper. My respect for Anna Kathryn has only grown over the years as I’ve watched her continue to invest in children through additional group home experiences, foster parenting, adoptive parenting and as a pastor’s wife. She is truly one of my favorite people and I’m excited that she’s shared her vision for encouraging women to dig into their Bible’s through this devotional journal.


AK and me lots of years ago

So here’s Anna Kathryn in her own words so you can know a little more about her and the work she’s created:



What made you want to write Everyday Mercies?

I started working on this project while I was in a lurch. I was coming out of a season of sadness in my life and found myself disorganized and very much struggling to get back on track in my faith journey while chasing my two wild kiddos around the house. My husband put a spiritual growth journal in my hands, and I became so overwhelmed by it that it ended up inspiring me to create something that would work for me: an overwhelmed and busy mom who desires to grow but struggles to find two seconds in her day to hand over to God and grow in Him. I needed Everyday Mercies for my own journey when I began working on it. I needed the accountability of something physical to organize my thoughts and recall the wonders of God in my daily life.


Rebecca Tredway Photography

What do you most want women to get out of your book?
My desire is that women like me, who get lost in the day-to-day chaos of motherhood and whose priorities are habitually out of whack, will be challenged and encouraged to be intentional and present in their time with Jesus. My hope is that moms who are using this journal will seek accountability and grow alongside other moms. My prayer is that the pages and prompts will be an agent God uses to strengthen mothers and their families, drawing them closer to Him in the midst of their chaos.

Do you have plans for other resources?
Yes! I have SO many plans! The first will be a STUDENT edition of Everyday Mercies, and I am so excited about it! I’ve got an amazing team of teenagers walking that path with me, consulting and guiding me with great insight. They are literally THE Dream Team and their input is going to make the next edition of Everyday Mercies incredible! Other editions coming soon after will be journals for women, men, and fathers, and I just can’t wait to begin each one.

Ready to win your own copy? Or one you could give to a friend, sister, daughter, or mother-in-law? Let’s do it!

-Comment on this post with when you prefer to read or journal. Morning? Evening? Afternoon?

-Go “like” the Everyday Mercies Facebook page and let Anna Kathryn know you were sent by A Musing Maralee on her share of this post.  

I will draw a winner at noon (CST) on Friday, 4/27/18 and connect you with Anna Kathryn to work out details. I’m excited for you to get your hands on this great resource!

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