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Radio Interview on Self-Care


I’m back on My Bridge Radio! Before deciding what I wanted to talk about for my first interview back in a long time, I took to my A Musing Maralee Facebook page to ask for topic suggestions. There were lots of requests for more thoughts about self-care: what it is, why we need it, how we make it happen, etc. This is a topic that’s so close to my heart, so I was happy to make it our subject on The Morning Conversation with my friend, Stan Parker.

I’d love to hear any other thoughts or questions you have! Here’s the interview in two parts with some additional links below:

A Newbie’s Guide to Self-Care: The 5 Ws and an H (an introduction)

A Newbie’s Guide to Self-Care:What Works for You

A Newbie’s Guide to Self-Care: Self-care vs. Selfishness

A Newbie’s Guide to Self-Care: The Role of Self-Talk

It’s Okay to Walk out on Your Family (for a minute)

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