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Book Review: Brick Builder’s Illustrated Bible

I am always on the lookout for Bible storybooks that capture the imagination (an attention) of my kids. When we got the Brick Builder’s Bible in the mail, it was a win from the moment it came out of the package. Instead of me suggesting we do a Bible story, my first grader is begging me to read the next one every night when I tuck him in. It’s lead to some great conversations as we expand on the stories and talk about how it applies to our lives.

The book has 35 Bible stories illustrated with Lego-style pictures. I’m pretty picky about how we retell Bible stories and these are pretty accurate and consistent with the original message. We have some other children’s Bible books that are more poetic in nature, which I’ve found are less compelling to some of my more concrete-thinking kids. This book is straight-forward and feels more fast paced.

(aff. link)

As we’ve been reading it, my son’s favorite part is the application at the end of each story. It’s inspired some great conversations about how we see the themes of the Bible continuing to impact our world today. I’ll read the story and he’ll read the “Building Block” application principle so we’re taking turns  and he’s practicing some of his reading skills.

I’d say this book is ideally suited for kids ages 3-8. A first or second grader might be able to read it independently. I’ve got girls that love Legos, so this book in our home wouldn’t be gender specific. If you have a child who is struggling to connect with some of the more flowery Bible storybooks out there, this would be a great one.

I noticed this book is on sale at Amazon right now (12/18), so this would be a great time to pick it up as a Christmas gift. Tell me how you like it!

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