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Christmas Luke Reading and Questions: Chapter 23


My family has a yearly tradition of reading a chapter a day of the book of Luke, leading up to Christmas. It has been such an enriching experience that helps center our holiday season on what is most important to us. If you’d like to join us in these readings, I’m providing questions to talk through with your kids to help spark conversations and meaningful engagement with what you read. I hope it’s helpful! 

(Here is where you can find background information or to start this project at Chapter 1.)

Before you start each night, think about the environment you’re creating for this experience. Check your heart. Lower your expectations. Here is where you can find more ideas on how to set yourself up for success. 

Rebecca Tredway Photography

Questions before you read Luke 23:

Who denied knowing Jesus?

Who did Jesus say would be the greatest?

Was Jesus happy about going to the cross?

I ask my kids to listen for this information while we’re reading and I’ll ask about it after we’re done:

Why was Herod excited to see Jesus?

Who helped Jesus carry his cross?

What role do women play in this story?

(Asking them to look for the information before you start reading is super helpful in keeping little learners engaged. They tend to listen pretty hard when they’re listening for something specific. I might even write the questions out so they can hold them and look for the information while we read. I will assign these questions to my youngest kids and target the longer discussion questions to my older kids. If my younger kids need to go to bed while we’re deep in discussion, they still had a chance to participate.)

Questions after you’ve read Luke 23:

Did Jesus oppose paying taxes to Caesar?

Why do you think the people wanted Jesus crucified?

What did the criminal profess about Jesus? Was that enough for Jesus to declare him ready for heaven, or did he need to do a bunch of good works, have more Scripture knowledge, etc.

What is the significance of the temple curtain being torn in two?

Was there anything else that stuck out to you or surprised you?

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