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A Life in Status- June #1, 2013

(If you don’t believe me, come see for yourself here or here)

Ways to make people uncomfortable:
Casually mention that you have children with four different fathers. Fail to mention that three of your kids are adopted.

Danny came home from VBS singing “Deep and Wide” except with the words “Beans and Rice”. I’m not sure if he didn’t understand the song or if VBS has a cooking theme this year.

Me: We’re having a special dinner tonight- chicken and dumplings!
Daughter: Oh! I LOVE chicken and ducklings!

Thought it would be so fun to just have one kid this morning (others are at VBS or with grandparents). Forgot one kid alone is way more work than a kid with a sibling.

Taking a extra minute to put on mascara before picking up the boys and realizing that to a VBS worker the prettiest mom is the on time mom.

Josh: Mom, I want to play. . . you know.
Me: What?
Josh: YOU KNOW. What is it? What’s the opposite of karate?
Me: What?
Josh: Oh yeah! Ninjas.

My children believe napping is a relay event.

Nothing makes you feel more like a genius than realizing you can’t spell the word “intelligent” correctly.

Note to self: If you make a habit of throwing some mint from your garden into your coffee, at some point you will drink an ant.

I feel like when it comes to my family and the library, it’s less of a “borrowing” scenario and more of a leasing situation. And in some cases we go rent-to-own. Sigh.

Child poops on the bathroom floor at 1 a.m. Child says to you, “Mom, you clean that up? It really stinks.” This is not my favorite night ever.

Four year-old was not thrilled with the dinner I prepared tonight. I hear him mutter to himself, “The food at Grama’s house is delicious.” I hold myself back from reminding him that Grama doesn’t have to referee fights and change diapers while she cooks.

My Mom: . . . And today my sister is singing and dancing with Jesus.
Danny: I want to see Jesus!
My Mom: Someday you will.
Josh: Oh, it’s going to take FOREVER!
I love the hearts that long to see Jesus. We’re feeling that pull so strong today as we grieve the loss of my Aunt Marlene. So sad for us, but so SO happy for her.

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