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How Does She Do It? Norwex. (my “keep it clean, stay sane” secret)

My cleaning habits have gone through some distinct stages:

  • The “a bleach for every season” stage: When we were houseparents in a group home, I felt compelled to use some pretty harsh cleaning products to battle back against the germs and filth of raising a bunch of teenage boys. We had to have our home approved by the health department through random inspections (I’m not joking), so my goal was to be as clean as humanly possible at all times. The goal of the boys was to wipe peanut butter on the counters and pee indiscriminately AT the toilet instead of in the toilet. It was a war I felt I could only win with the help of major sanitizing products.
  • The “cleaning with ingredients you could also use to make a salad dressing” stage: When we left the group home (with just one toddler) I decided to only clean with vinegar, baking soda, salt and olive oil. I made my own detergent (both for the dishwasher and the washing machine) and felt great about having cleaning products that were eco friendly and safe for my little ones to be around if they wanted to help.

But the more kids we had, the more I found myself moving back into the bleach stage. As much as I wanted “safe” products, I didn’t feel like I could get the cleaning power I needed without harsh chemicals. If my lungs didn’t burn a little when I was done cleaning, I didn’t feel like I had done a thorough job. That’s bad, I know. I also found myself banishing my kids from the house while I cleaned because the chemicals were so strong, which means I wasn’t teaching them how to help or requiring they be involved in the process.

But then I discovered Norwex. I was a total skeptic/nonbeliever when a friend (THANK YOU!) first gave me an envirocloth and polishing cloth to try. In fact, they sat unused for weeks because somehow just cleaning with water seemed too complicated. When you’re used to burning the skin off your fingers tips or having the house wreak of vinegar, the idea of straight water and this cloth being enough to handle the tough jobs just seemed ridiculous. Cleaning is supposed to be hard, right? Isn’t that way they pay us the big bucks to do it. . . Oh, wait. Nobody is paying me the big bucks, so maybe simple is better.

I watched some videos about how the products worked and now I’ve been a fan of them for over a year. Here’s why:

-They save me money. I am no longer buying window/glass spray at all. No dusting spray. Less paper towels. No sink cleaner or counter products.

-They save me time. Just grab the rag, turn on the water, wipe the surface. Nothing to spray and then wipe off.

-My kids can use them. My oldest (age 10) is now responsible for cleaning the bathroom and he’s capable of doing a great job because the products are so simple to use. I never worry about him injuring himself or leaving dangerous products out where other kids could get to them.

-THEY WORK. My stainless steel appliances have never looked shinier, my glass looks great, my toilets are actually clean.

-My family is healthier. My lungs aren’t burning, which is nice. And totally anecdotally, I can say that we’ve been less sick since we started using Norwex. I can rub the envirocloth on my light switches, star rails, and doorknobs for a quick way to take care of germs. I don’t know if that’s why we’ve been healthier, but it sure could be.

Lots of people use Norwex because the products are “green” and they want to be more environmentally conscious. That’s great! But if that’s not your main motivation for looking for a change in your cleaning products, that’s fine, too. Norwex is much more than just good for the environment. It’s good for my wallet, my time, my kids and my sanity. My own experiences with that reality are why I decided to become a Norwex consultant.

If you want to learn more about how Norwex products do what they do, I want to invite you a virtual “party” on Facebook for more info. You know how these parties go– I’ll make it worth your time, but you won’t know how unless you join! If you purchase through this party or through my link, I get a kickback and you get my undying gratitude (and a quality cleaning product). If you already have a Norwex person, great! You can send her this piece with a big thank you for introducing you to this sanity saving product. After this party, I’ll continue to do a blog post every once in a while to let you know about a specific product and how it makes my life easier. If you’re not interested, we can still be friends. If you ARE a Norwex consultant, I hope these posts can be an easy way for you to share with your people a skeptic’s view on the products.

I know some people are squeamish about the direct marketing thing. I get that because I am one of those people. I want you to know I’m not trying to sell you anything, I’m just a conduit by which you can buy something if you want. My reputation and integrity as a person who promotes positive parenting and missional foster care is not something I’m going to throw away by trying to talk you into buying a dishrag. I’m just going to tell you what has made my life simpler and hope it might be a help for you, too. If I haven’t tried a product, I’m not going to tell you it’s great because I don’t know. I’m going to very specifically tell you the things that work for me and let you know how you can try them if you’re interested. I like to call my strategy “Direct Sales for Introverts.” Buy if you want, and we don’t even have to make direct eye-contact. Zero pressure.

So here are the details if you want to learn more:

Facebook Virtual Party Link.  Just add yourself to the party and be at your computer Wednesday night (6/28/17) from 8:30-9:30 if you want to actively participate, which is always more “rewarding” although you can look over the info and purchase anytime after the party for a few days. I am tentatively planning to live stream myself cleaning something, so prepare yourself.

If you already love Norwex and want to purchase through me, here’s THE LINK. (Thanks!!)

If you want to learn more about Norwex before committing, here are my three favorite videos:

This one is from Norwex and explains their products and philosophy.

This is a local news segment that independently tests the validity of the antibacterial claims.

But can it clean boy pee off your toilet? Without wiping the germs everywhere? Yes. Yes it can.

See you soon!

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