Welcome to my circus.

A Life in Status- February #2

(Welcome to the craziness unfolding live over here)

I think the people who make toothpaste colors and the people who make sink colors need to get together and only make them in the same shades. This mom would thank you.

Sometimes trying too hard to multitask means ending up with somebody’s toenail clippings in your coffee. It’s gonna be one of those days.

The Baby’s constant companion Teddy Bear will be in the wash for the next hour or so. The Baby would appreciate your prayers during this difficult time.

Parenting Success= Telling your son to pick any cereal he wants and he comes back with his chosen box saying, “This my sister’s favorite.”

Dipping my graham crackers in my coffee.

When your husband leaves for work at 7 a.m. and has not returned by 7 p.m., you might find yourself doing crazy things. Like leaving him voicemails that are just the sound of the baby crying. Not that I have ever done that. . .

Josh just found out if we die he will go live with his aunt, uncle and beloved cousins. I am now slightly fearful for my safety.

Josh came home with a school assignment where he had written “When I grow up I want to be an othr.” I think that means he has his mother’s love of writing. . . and also her terrible spelling.

Me: Look at YOU!! You buckled your own carseat!!
Daughter: I all growed up, Mom? I ALL GROWED UP?
. . . well. . . almost. . .

Sometimes I try to imagine the thoughts of my six year-old boy: “I know Mom said to pick up my room, but I’m just going to throw all my toys into my hamper. What are the chances she’ll ever look in my hamper?! Yeah, there is no flaw in this plan. No flaw at all.”

Daddy: Danny, what did you do at AWANA tonight?
Danny: I just be naughty.
At least he’s honest.

Danny: Mommy, my head not working.
So it’s going to be one of THOSE days.

Me: Honey, you’re not actually starving, especially since you just had two snacks.
Josh: Liberians are just hungry, Mom. We always want to eat.

Sometimes you’re using the bathroom when you look over and see Luke, Obi Wan, and a dinosaur watching you from the bathroom counter.

I’ve started cleaning and organizing in preparation for our eighth homestudy in the last 8 years (part of updating our foster license). You’d think I’d have learned by now not to stress about cleaning under the couch cushions.

Murphy’s Law of Dog Ownership: No matter how much hardwood and tile you have in your house, the dog will always puke on the rug.

My six year-old has a favorite lady friend at school. He wanted to buy her a Valentine gift. I gave him a budget and told him to pick whatever he wanted from the Valentine aisle at Target. He came back with a cow that poops candy.


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