Photo by Rebecca Tredway Photography
I am a mother of six pretty incredible kids ages 12 and under. Four of my kids were adopted (one internationally, three through foster care) and two of our sons we made ourselves. Prior to becoming parents my husband and I were houseparents at a children’s home and had the privilege of helping to raise 17 boys during our five year tenure. I’m passionate about caring for kids, foster parenting and adoption, making my family a fairly decent dinner every night, staying on top of the laundry, watching ridiculous documentaries and doing everything I do for God’s glory. It’s tough to leave the house these days for anything besides grocery trips and the occasional stop at Grandma’s house, so this is where you’ll find my attempt at reaching outside my front yard to connect with other grown-ups.
Wait. . . haven’t I seen you somewhere before? (Guest Posts and Interviews)
Interviewed by The Washington Post: A White Mom’s Plea ‘to the White Parents of my Black Son’s Friends’
Rage Against the Minivan: What I Want You to Know
Scary Mommy: Dear White Parents of My Black Child’s Friends, 7 Ways to be Supportive of a Foster Mom, How to Help Children who Struggle with Social Skills
The Gospel Coalition: What if the Point of Infertility Wasn’t a Child?
Adoptive Families Magazine: To the White Parents of My Black Son’s Friends
Profiled on Adoption.com
Mere Orthodoxy: Evangelicals and Foreign Adoption
Christ and Pop Culture: Will My Son be Black Enough for Rob Parker?
Fireflies and Jellybeans: But Don’t You Want to Have Kids of Your Own?
Lincoln Journal Star (newspaper): Flexibility Needed on Foster Family Size
Omaha World-Herald (interview on foster family size)
Children’s Home Society of Minnesota: The Kids Who Don’t Say Hi, 8 Things to Say Instead of “He’s so lucky to have you”, What they Don’t tell you About Those Kids
GoodMorningAmerica.com: This mom’s hilarious candy chart has every parent thanking her
Love What Matters: Candy is delicious and it’s okay to reward yourself
PopSugar: Forget the calorie counts! This mom’s hilarious candy chart is what all parents need
Regular Contributor at Her View From Home
Contributor at For Every Mom
Contributor at The Forgotten Initiative
Monthly radio interview and weekly mom thoughts at My Bridge Radio
Video content on MomsEveryday.com
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