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December 15, 2022
by Maralee
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Christmas Luke Reading and Questions: Chapter 13

My family has a yearly tradition of reading a chapter a day of the book of Luke, leading up to Christmas. It has been such an enriching experience that helps center our holiday season on what is most important to us. If you’d like to join us in these readings, I’m providing questions to talk through with your kids to help spark conversations and meaningful engagement with what you read. I hope it’s helpful! 

(Here is where you can find background information or to start this project at Chapter 1.)

Before you start each night, think about the environment you’re creating for this experience. Check your heart. Lower your expectations. Here is where you can find more ideas on how to set yourself up for success. 

Questions before you read Luke 13:

Did Jesus come to bring peace on earth?

How are you storing up treasures in heaven?

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December 15, 2022
by Maralee
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Christmas Luke Reading and Questions: Chapter 12

My family has a yearly tradition of reading a chapter a day of the book of Luke, leading up to Christmas. It has been such an enriching experience that helps center our holiday season on what is most important to us. If you’d like to join us in these readings, I’m providing questions to talk through with your kids to help spark conversations and meaningful engagement with what you read. I hope it’s helpful! 

(Here is where you can find background information or to start this project at Chapter 1.)

Before you start each night, think about the environment you’re creating for this experience. Check your heart. Lower your expectations. Here is where you can find more ideas on how to set yourself up for success. 

Rebecca Tredway Photography

Questions before you read Luke 12:

What did Jesus teach his disciples how to do in chapter 11?

What criticism did Jesus have for the Pharisees?

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December 14, 2022
by Maralee
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Christmas Luke Reading and Questions: Chapter 11

My family has a yearly tradition of reading a chapter a day of the book of Luke, leading up to Christmas. It has been such an enriching experience that helps center our holiday season on what is most important to us. If you’d like to join us in these readings, I’m providing questions to talk through with your kids to help spark conversations and meaningful engagement with what you read. I hope it’s helpful! 

(Here is where you can find background information or to start this project at Chapter 1.)

Before you start each night, think about the environment you’re creating for this experience. Check your heart. Lower your expectations. Here is where you can find more ideas on how to set yourself up for success. 

Rebecca Tredway Photography

Questions before you read Luke 11:

What story did Jesus tell to explain who are neighbor is?

Who were the sisters Jesus was meeting and eating with?

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December 13, 2022
by Maralee
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Christmas Luke Reading and Questions: Chapter 10

My family has a yearly tradition of reading a chapter a day of the book of Luke, leading up to Christmas. It has been such an enriching experience that helps center our holiday season on what is most important to us. If you’d like to join us in these readings, I’m providing questions to talk through with your kids to help spark conversations and meaningful engagement with what you read. I hope it’s helpful! 

(Here is where you can find background information or to start this project at Chapter 1.)

Before you start each night, think about the environment you’re creating for this experience. Check your heart. Lower your expectations. Here is where you can find more ideas on how to set yourself up for success. 

Rebecca Tredway Photography

Questions before you read Luke 10:

What food miracle did Jesus perform in the last chapter?

What did Jesus say was going to happen to him?

What Old Testament men visited Jesus?

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December 12, 2022
by Maralee
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Christmas Luke Reading and Questions: Chapter 9

My family has a yearly tradition of reading a chapter a day of the book of Luke, leading up to Christmas. It has been such an enriching experience that helps center our holiday season on what is most important to us. If you’d like to join us in these readings, I’m providing questions to talk through with your kids to help spark conversations and meaningful engagement with what you read. I hope it’s helpful! 

(Here is where you can find background information or to start this project at Chapter 1.)

Before you start each night, think about the environment you’re creating for this experience. Check your heart. Lower your expectations. Here is where you can find more ideas on how to set yourself up for success. 

*A note about keeping kids engaged: This chapter is long. I have little kids and some of them were starting to get distracted. In order to keep them engaged, sometimes I’ll insert nonsense. During this reading in verse 47 I said, “Jesus, knowing their thoughts, took a little child and reminded them of how weird little children can be and that they should work really hard to stay away from any little children. Especially as it is flu season and kids carry germs.” You should have seen my kids perk up to attention. They knew that wasn’t right and we laughed, I went back and reread the section and I had their attention again. We want to be careful not to confuse our kids while reading Scripture, but sometimes those reading techniques you use during bedtime stories can work here too. It doesn’t do anybody any good to read these stories into the void. We want them listening, even if they’re listening to hear if Mom will say something weird.

Rebecca Tredway Photography

Questions before you read Luke 9:

What was did the seed represent in the parable Jesus told in the last chapter?

What was Jesus doing in the boat?

Who was healed in the last chapter?

Can you remember the names of any of the women who were serving with Jesus?

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December 8, 2022
by Maralee
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Christmas Luke Reading and Questions: Chapter 8

My family has a yearly tradition of reading a chapter a day of the book of Luke, leading up to Christmas. It has been such an enriching experience that helps center our holiday season on what is most important to us. If you’d like to join us in these readings, I’m providing questions to talk through with your kids to help spark conversations and meaningful engagement with what you read. I hope it’s helpful! 

(Here is where you can find background information or to start this project at Chapter 1.)

Before you start each night, think about the environment you’re creating for this experience. Check your heart. Lower your expectations. Here is where you can find more ideas on how to set yourself up for success. 

Rebecca Tredway Photography

Questions before you read Luke 8:

Who was healed in the last chapter?

Who was forgiven?

What proof did Jesus offer the disciples of John that he was the messiah?

Is there anything in particular you learned from Chapter 7?

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December 7, 2022
by Maralee
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Christmas Luke Reading and Questions: Chapter 7

My family has a yearly tradition of reading a chapter a day of the book of Luke, leading up to Christmas. It has been such an enriching experience that helps center our holiday season on what is most important to us. If you’d like to join us in these readings, I’m providing questions to talk through with your kids to help spark conversations and meaningful engagement with what you read. I hope it’s helpful!

(Here is where you can find background information or to start this project at Chapter 1.)

Before you start each night, think about the environment you’re creating for this experience. Check your heart. Lower your expectations. Here is where you can find more ideas on how to set yourself up for success.

Rebecca Tredway Photography

Questions before you read Luke 7:

How many of the twelve apostles’s names can you remember?

Who did Jesus heal and why was it controversial?

Who did Jesus command his follower to love?

Is there anything in particular you learned from Chapter 6?

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December 6, 2022
by Maralee
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Christmas Luke Reading and Questions: Chapter 6

My family has a yearly tradition of reading a chapter a day of the book of Luke, leading up to Christmas. It has been such an enriching experience that helps center our holiday season on what is most important to us. If you’d like to join us in these readings, I’m providing questions to talk through with your kids to help spark conversations and meaningful engagement with what you read. I hope it’s helpful!

(Here is where you can find background information or to start this project at Chapter 1.)

Before you start each night, think about the environment you’re creating for this experience. Check your heart. Lower your expectations. Here is where you can find more ideas on how to set yourself up for success.

*A note on tough questions: If your kids are really engaging with what they’re reading, they may come up with tough questions you aren’t sure how to answer. THIS IS GOOD. It’s okay to tell kids that you aren’t sure about the answer and talk about how to find answers. Who are people you trust? What are resources you can access? The Bible is in some ways simple enough for children to understand and in other ways, complex enough that you need to devote your lifetime to studying it. Find those people who have done that hard work and learn from them, either in person or through their books. These questions shouldn’t be unanswerable, but it might take some work to find the answers.

Rebecca Tredway Photography

Questions before you read Luke 6:

Who decided to follow Jesus in Chapter 5?

Who got healed in chapter 5?

What group of people is Jesus constantly having tension with? Why is that?

Is there anything in particular you learned from Chapter 5?

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December 5, 2022
by Maralee
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Christmas Luke Reading and Questions: Chapter 5

My family has a yearly tradition of reading a chapter a day of the book of Luke, leading up to Christmas. It has been such an enriching experience that helps center our holiday season on what is most important to us. If you’d like to join us in these readings, I’m providing questions to talk through with your kids to help spark conversations and meaningful engagement with what you read. I hope it’s helpful!

(Here is where you can find background information or to start this project at Chapter 1.)

Before you start each night, think about the environment you’re creating for this experience. Check your heart. Lower your expectations. Here is where you can find more ideas on how to set yourself up for success.

Rebecca Tredway Photography

Questions before you read Luke 5:

How long was Jesus in the wilderness?

What miracles did Jesus do in chapter 4?

Is there anything in particular you learned from Chapter 4?

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December 4, 2022
by Maralee
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Christmas Luke Reading and Questions: Chapter 4

My family has a yearly tradition of reading a chapter a day of the book of Luke, leading up to Christmas. It has been such an enriching experience that helps center our holiday season on what is most important to us. If you’d like to join us in these readings, I’m providing questions to talk through with your kids to help spark conversations and meaningful engagement with what you read. I hope it’s helpful!

(Here is where you can find background information or to start this project at Chapter 1.)

Before you start each night, think about the environment you’re creating for this experience. Check your heart. Lower your expectations. Here is where you can find more ideas on how to set yourself up for success.

Rebecca Tredway Photography

Questions before you read Luke 4:

What did John say you should do if you had two shirts and you meant someone who has none?

What happened to John the Baptist?

Who was present when Jesus was baptized?

What’s one name you remember from the genealogy of Jesus?

Is there anything in particular you learned from Chapter 3?

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