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The UPS man is better than Santa

We have chosen not to place too much emphasis on Santa Claus in our house, but I know my kids fully believe in the UPS man.  He comes in a distinctive uniform and delivers gifts to my good little boys and girl, usually leaving them on the porch when we’re least expecting it.  Who wouldn’t love that guy?  I’m thinking we need to find some kind of figurine of a UPS man to decorate our house with to remind the kids who really brings the gifts around here.  You wouldn’t believe the excitement when the kids look out the window and see that brown truck pulling up.

Of course, the UPS man isn’t delivering gifts because the kids have been good.  He’s doing it because Nana and Papa in South Carolina are sending these great boxes of goodies for their beloved grandkids.  Just the other night I put some presents under our Christmas tree when our five year-old Josh saw them and yelled, “Santa Claus came!  Santa Claus came!”  I asked him, “Josh, where do you think those gifts really came from?” and he told me, “Nana and Papa” and then went right back to yelling, “Santa Claus came!”

It made me think about how often I focus on the gifts in my life instead of on the Giver of those good gifts.  I get so much joy from my precious kids, my great extended family and friends and the material blessings God has chosen to give us.  I want to remember to be giving God credit for the beauty He has brought into my life instead of just getting overly busy, especially during this time of the year.  In the same way my kids have to be reminded to thank Nana and Papa instead of just the man who delivers the gifts, I have to remember that every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights.

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