Welcome to my circus.

Obedience or confession? Take your pick.


I am a big fan of preparing your kids ahead of time for what’s coming.  I have definitely been known to overprepare my kids for simple trips to the grocery store or Grandma’s house just so I know they know what kind of behavior I expect from them.  Just the other day on the way to pick up Josh from preschool I was telling my two two-year olds “Babies, when we get out of the car to pick Josh up from preschool we’re going to have to go super fast today. No playing with the preschool toys. When I say it’s time to go, you say, ‘yes Mommy’. Okay? So when I say it’s time to go, you say. . . ”  And my obedient children answered in perfect unison “Sorry, Mommy!”   Well, at least they gave me a heads-up.

I’m afraid they have gotten in the habit of apologizing when prompted for any kind of response.  I see this happen at the end of meals when their Daddy says to them, “What do you say to Mommy for making that great meal” and they again respond “Sorry, Mommy!”. . . although sometimes with their mealtime behavior an apology is also pretty appropriate.

I love going to a church where part of our liturgy is a time of confession.  It is so good for my soul to have a chance to really think about the specific sins I’ve committed- the grudges I’m carrying, the impatience I’ve had with my kids, the judgmental thoughts I’ve entertained- and to utter more than a simple “Sorry, God”.  By confessing my sins it frees up my conscience and helps me remember the next time I’m tempted that I’d much rather say, “Yes God” when it comes to obedience instead of having to say “Sorry God” after I’ve sinned.

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