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Meeting a Need: The Foster Care Closet


*This week I’m hosting a series of guest posts by women in my community who saw a need and decided to do something about it. I find each of their stories inspirational in the most literal sense. Many of us can recognize injustice or weakness or pain, but not many of us ask ourselves, “What can I do about this?” I wanted to ask these women what moved them from the “It’s sad” mentality to the “Let’s fix it” mentality in the hope that it would inspire some of you who are on the fence about tackling a challenge of your own.* (Catch up on all the posts from this week: PLAIS, Righting the Story, Project Help)

Leigh with The Foster Care Closet

Some info on Leigh
I’m a old enough to know better and young enough to do it anyway! I have had a couple of trys at college, but was never successful with the whole, read, learn, sit/stay thing. I’m more of a run around, learn by watching and doing and please, please let me bounce off walls!! My life revolves around my faith, love for my husband of almost 30 years, the 6 children who call us Mom and Dad and the work of the Closet.

What is the Foster Care Closet?
The FCC is a special place designed to meet the clothing needs and other basic care items for children in the foster care system. (*Find them on Facebook to keep current*)


How did you first notice a need for the Foster Care Closet?
The need for the FCC became very real for us when we took in a placement of 3 little girls with only the clothing they were wearing. Having been seasoned foster parents, we were well aware that this is how most children come to our door, but there just had to be a better way to meet the needs. It’s heartbreaking to know that many qualified foster parents were having to make decisions on whether they could take in a child based on their checkbook.

What made you decide you could meet that need?
I felt very qualified, even driven, to meet the clothing needs of children in the foster care system. We have many organizations all trying to looking out for the best interest of the child on a 10,000 foot level, but most, if any, were not looking at the basics needs from ground level.


Who encouraged you to pursue this?
My husband, Patrick, was and continues to be my support. He was the one with the idea in the very beginning. I just took it and ran with it. I’m sure that there are days when our own home is over-run by clothes for the Closet and generous donations that have come in, he wonders if I could run just a little faster.


How can someone start a Foster Care Closet in their area?
I get many calls, email and messages about how people can start a Foster CARE Closet in their area. The biggest factor in starting a Closet successfully is to bathe it in prayer. Once it has been made clear to you that you are to move forward, then be ready to SWIM! There is no wading on the shore, dipping your toes in, you just have to jump off the ledge and be prepared for the blessings that will flow in. Scripture is very clear that we have been blessed to bless others and I have seen what God has done from starting in our basement over 8 years ago to the 3200 square foot space that now is home to the Foster CARE Closet and the additional 4000 square feet that is home to the Intake CARE Center.

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