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Mama needs rest


Anybody else exhausted today? Here’s my radio spot on living in a season of sleep deprivation.  Listen via the link below or read along!



Having young children means I am often exhausted. Hardly a night goes by when someone doesn’t need comfort from a bad dream, help changing wet sheets, or a midnight feeding. Sometimes I don’t even realize how exhausted I am until I find myself blowing kisses to the bus driver and waving to my daughter instead of the other way around. I have driven off with my phone on top of the van, put a soup can in the refrigerator, and put a child to bed in the wrong room. And while many days I can’t remember where I put my glasses, what month it is, or how long it’s been since I showered, I do have a perfect recollection of exactly how much sleep my husband is getting each night. It’s in these moments of total exhaustion that I have to find my rest somewhere else. I am thankful for the rest that comes in knowing God’s love for me doesn’t depend on me always staying on top of things. When I make sleep induced mistakes I have a God who saw my late night treks to a feverish child’s room. He gives me the joy I need to keep offering myself to my children even when my strength is limited. And I hope one of these days everybody will be sleeping through the night.


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