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Moms, Christmas, and Beginning with the End in Mind (radio interview)


I definitely have some grinch/scrooge tendencies when it comes to Christmas. Christmas is supposed to be a magical time, but all of the work for creating that “magic” seems to fall on the shoulders of mothers who are decorating, baking, helping with the Christmas program, buying gifts, wrapping it up, writing the cards, and planning a meal. It’s just overwhelming for some of us who don’t feel like we excel at ANY of those things.

But it shouldn’t be this way. It shouldn’t feel possible to fail at Christmas as long as we’re keeping our priorities straight. I think this requires a lot of intentionality about what we do and how we do it.

In my interview with Stan on My Bridge Radio this month, that’s exactly what we wanted to talk about. I’m interested in any follow-up questions or thoughts you might have after you listen. Beneath the audio, I’m also posting links to several of my posts that give more detail on some of our holiday philosophies and the traditions we’ve established. I’d love to hear about yours!

Birthday Cake for Jesus: Here’s our recipe along with the explanation of how to make the spiritual connections for your kids.

Matt Christmas: Invite a friend to Christmas! It doesn’t have to feel like more stress, I promise.

A Slacker Mom’s Guide to Christmas Magic: Here are some of our traditions and how we’ve learned to delegate some of the “magic” that I’m just not equipped to do.

To My Kids— Some Rules and Recommendations for Grandma’s House: Here’s where you can find some tips for kids before the holidays, including talking to your kids about thankfulness for the gifts they don’t love.

When your Financial Pain goes Viral: Some thoughts about helping families who are financially struggling around the holidays or any time.

Our Christmas Miracle: Here’s the story of our son Joel’s Christmas Eve birth.

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